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奇拉小说网 > 默默情深知你心 > 第82章 审判申冤

第82章 审判申冤


警察厅的厅长跟徐繁烁认识,看见徐繁烁进来便道:“President Xu, why are you here.”

“I'm here about my sister.”徐繁烁说道

“younger sister?”厅长疑惑

徐繁烁将徐梵希的事儿说了一遍后,那厅长脸色变得为难起来,“We've been looking into this, but there's no surveillance evidence that they violated your sister.”

“I came here just to deliver the evidence.Please join me to interrogate those thugs.”徐繁烁扶了扶眼镜说道


厅长一拍桌吼道:“Shut up and be quiet.”


徐繁烁冷眼看向混混,慢慢说道:“Remember the girl you invaded the other day.”

那几个混混听后死不认账,徐繁烁也不急继续道:“Are you sure you don't remember?”徐繁烁说完便扔了一组照片到那几个混混面前,是那几个混混凌辱其他女性的照片。

那几个混混看后还是依旧不认账,徐繁烁还是不急,“Still want to deny?very good.”

徐繁烁又拿出视频,放在混混面前播放,那几个混混看后显然有一点慌了,徐繁烁继续道:“Do you still want to argue now?”


“Do you think this evidence alone can convict us?”

“Oh? Is it?”徐繁烁道

“If I tell you that your old mother is living well with me now, won't you plead guilty?”徐繁烁继续道


那领头的一听便慌了,“What do you want to do to my mother.”

徐繁烁玩弄了一下手指便道:“It's very simple. As long as you plead guilty and go to jail, I will treat your family well.”


走出审讯室,厅长道:“It seems that I underestimate you. You can not only do business, but also judge guests.”

徐繁烁谦虚道:“The director praised me. I just want to plead for my sister. Thank you for today's business. If you need anything in the future, just call me.”

“Thank you. I'll go first.”徐繁烁轻松地走出了大厅
